Marwell Wildlife is a registered charity (275433) focused on conserving biological diversity and other natural resources.

Our conservation experts and partners are committed to restoring nature and promoting sustainable living, aiming to enhance the well-being of people, wildlife, and the wider environment for future generations.

The organization is overseen by our Chief Executive and a team of Directors and governed by a diverse Board of Trustees with backgrounds in business, academia, conservation, education, and sustainability.

Trustee Committees provide crucial support and oversight of our key functions. This includes an active Conservation Committee that reviews all aspects of our charitable work and supports the Director of Conservation and his team. Additionally, our Ethics Committee, comprising trustees, staff, and external members, continuously review challenges arising from our broad range of activities.

Legally, Marwell Wildlife is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Our governing body is a Board of Trustees, who are elected following a recruitment process that combines advertised vacancies and executive search. Trustees serve an initial three-year term, with the possibility of up to three additional three-year terms.

The Board meets around five times a year to review strategy and performance, supported by the following Trustee-led committees: Audit & Risk; Capital Expenditure; Conservation (including animal collection, biodiversity, education, and sustainability); Commercial; Ethics; HR & Remuneration; and Marketing. These committees, chaired by Trustees, have specific terms of reference and provide support for senior management. In accordance with the Charity Commission’s requirements on public benefit reporting, Marwell’s activities and strategies are regularly assessed to ensure alignment with our charitable objectives. Day-to-day management is delegated to the Chief Executive and his Executive Team.


Marwell Wildlife Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Ethical Sourcing Policy

Ethical Sourcing Policy

Research policy

Research Policy


Conservation Framework

Conservation Framework