Take a Nature Break

The natural world is at the heart of what we do at Marwell and we hope that you’ll join us in taking a nature break, wherever and whenever you can!

Engaging with nature can build up our resilience to stress, improve sleep and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Not to mention it can also inspire appreciation for the world we share! From sparing only a few seconds, all the way to hitting the recommended ten to thirty minutes per day, imagine how refreshed and connected you could feel by stepping outside somewhere in your town, city, or rural area!

Silver Studded Blue Butterflies Marwell Zoo Nicholas Montegriffo
Photo credit: Nicholas Montegriffo

The first activity cards for Spring are now live!

Our Outdoor Learning Manager, Katherine, has with downloadable activity cards that include low cost, or free, fun ways to enjoy nature this Spring… no matter what age you are.

Did you take part? Let us know by leaving a comment 

Be inspired to Take a Nature Break and learn fun ways to enjoy nature with our video below!

Our Outdoor Learning Manager, Katherine, has also written a great blog with downloadable activity cards that include more low cost, or free, fun ways to enjoy nature this Summer… no matter what age you are! Did you take part? Let us know by leaving a comment on the blog or over on our YouTube video.

See you in Autumn!

The first couple of activity cards for Autumn are now live!

Our Outdoor Learning Manager, Katherine, has with downloadable activity cards that include low cost, or free, fun ways to enjoy nature this Autumn… no matter what age you are.

Did you take part? Let us know by leaving a comment 

The first couple of activity cards for Winter are now live!

Our Outdoor Learning Manager, Katherine, has with downloadable activity cards that include low cost, or free, fun ways to enjoy nature this Winter… no matter what age you are.

Did you take part? Let us know by leaving a comment  See you in spring!