Celebrating more awards!

June 22, 2022

Chief Executive James Cretney and Dr duncan East receive an award at the Winchester Business Awards

We’re celebrating after winning Business of the Year and the Sustainable Business Award at the Winchester Business Excellence Awards.

We were honoured during a ceremony at the University of Winchester. Recently, we also received the royal seal of approval in the form of The Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development.

The award citation reads: “With their work on conservation and education offering school trips and education workshops Marwell Wildlife is an integral part of the local community.

“The popularity of Marwell is nationwide and brings millions of pounds into the local economy, especially to Winchester.

“Having just received the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development, Marwell Wildlife continues to be one of the premier visitor attractions on the south coast, and is a very worthy winner of the overall Business of the Year.”

The awards recognise achievements including the zoo’s world-first facility that turns zoo poo into energy to heat some of the biggest buildings in the park and its commitment to reaching carbon neutral status.

Dr Duncan East, Head of Sustainability at Marwell, said: “Winning these awards is a great opportunity to reflect on the things we’ve achieved rather than what’s next on the list to do and we don’t often do that.

“It’s recognition of all of the work done by everybody across so many different aspects of our work here and it’s very well deserved.”

James Cretney, Chief Executive of Marwell Wildlife, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to win the sustainability award this year. It recognises all of the work we’ve done with regards to carbon management.

“To receive Business of the Year was a massive surprise and came completely out of the blue.

“Like many organisations, Marwell has had a couple of difficult years and this is testament to our place in the community, both in terms of our charitable efforts and the charity’s place in people’s hearts.

Stuart Martin ©