It’s Volunteers Week!
June 2, 2023
June 2, 2023
At Marwell, we’re so very lucky to have a fantastic team of volunteers – you may have met a few when you’ve visited us!
They help us with all sorts – from weeding and leaf blowing, to meeting and greeting, running our tombola, all the way to admin and archiving. We”re also grateful to’re also supported by corporate volunteer groups, where companies and their staff can come in for a day or two!
We have more than 120 generous people helping us out, and so far, this year we have received a staggering 3,188 volunteer hours.
Our Chief Executive, James Cretney said: “We know that we benefit hugely from the help, support, and hard work of these folk here at Marwell. Similarly, we recognise the many benefits that volunteering at a place like Marwell can offer, with so many differing opportunities and roles. We want to celebrate this, thank our volunteers, and of course do more to attract more people of greater diversity and talents to help with our cause.”
We will be hosting our Volunteer Coffee morning on the 7 June, where we’ll have coffee and cake, plus the chance to meet fellow volunteers and staff.
We are currently working on new volunteer roles which will be available in the not-too-distant future, including car parkers, habitats support, and photographers, so do keep an eye out on our website for updates – we would be delighted to see more faces around the zoo!
Learn more about volunteering at Marwell.
To all of our volunteers, past and present, we want to say a huge thank you for your time and effort. With your support, we can continue our vital conservation work across the world and keep caring for our exotic and endangered animals here at the zoo.