Our newest arrivals!

October 15, 2020

We welcomed a baby Guianan squirrel monkey

We are delighted to share news of a cheeky young arrival! On Sunday, a Guianan squirrel monkey baby was born overnight to first-time mother Loki and father Max. Both mother and baby are doing well and keepers report that other members of the group are helping to care for the youngster. It is yet to be sexed or named as our keepers leave mother and baby to bond and socialise with the rest of the group.

For the first two weeks of their life, the young tend to cling to their mother’s front and after this they begin to hang on to her back. Infants are fully grown by 16-24 months of age. Female members of a group without their own infant may help to care for the young of other mothers by carrying them or even nursing them.

Head over to our Life Among the Trees exhibit to see if you can spot them! (Subject to limited opening hours)

Look out for a new species in our crocodile monitor enclosure! 

We recently introduced red-clawed crayfish to the moat in Dali’s enclosure at Tropical House. In the wild, this species can be found in New Guinea and eastern Australia and they feed on aquatic insects, detrius, larvae and plant matter!

These creatures are a striking colour blue – see if you can spot them on your next visit!