The Very Hungry Caterpillar has landed at Marwell Zoo
July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024
The schools are breaking up, the summer has begun and we’re thrilled our The Very Hungry Caterpillar trail has arrived in the park.
Join us this summer for a journey through the nation’s favourite children’s story set in our historic 140-acre zoo.
Home to more than 140 species of rare and endangered animals, we’re thrilled to be welcoming The Very Hungry Caterpillar to the zoo.
Little ones will love the interactive elements of the trail, which features supersized 3D fruit to clamber through as they become The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the day.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar trail offers lots of colourful photo opportunities which are looking stunning against the backdrop of our zoo.
Winding its way around the front of the park, this trail is the perfect distance for little legs and those in search of a longer adventure have the rest of the park to explore!
Did you know?
Children over the age of three will be able to get crafty with our wooden nature necklace sessions running daily from 11am to 3pm and there will be face painting at Wild Explorers Picnic Hut Monay to Thursday 11am to 3pm. An additional charge applies to both of these activities.
Marwell is home to penguins, snow leopards, giraffe, a red panda and white rhino amongst acres of open space, historic Marwell Hall and five adventure playgrounds.
Don’t forget to visit our resident critters including our Extinct in the Wild Partula snails, locusts, red-legged millipedes and vampire crabs!
Plus, older children and adults can find out more about our native butterflies and insects at information points around the zoo.
If you’ve ever wondered why pollinators are important, how bats communicate or what a group of butterflies is called, check out our native species signs dotted around the park.
Our Science and Learning Centre will also be open from 11am to 3pm every Wednesday and Friday so guests can pop in and learn about how animals digest their food.
There will be skulls on display so people can see how carnivores and herbivores are adapted to their diets and our knowledgeable staff will be on hand to answer your burning questions.
Marwell Wildlife is a conservation charity dedicated to restoring nature and promoting sustainable living.