This year we surpassed 500,000kWh of electricity generated from our own solar panels!

December 18, 2019

500,000kWhs of electricity could power an average sized home (with electric heating) for 33 years or a modern Passive House (a more energy efficient building) for 100 years.

Here at Marwell one of our aims is caring for the wider environment and demonstrating practicable solutions to global challenges, so this is a great achievement for us as a conservation charity.

The recalculation of our carbon footprint revealed a 73% reduction over 10 years (from 1,705 tonnes CO2e in 2008 to 463 tonnes CO2e in 2018), following concerted action and despite growth of the organisation and our infrastructure!

Our 2018 carbon reduction figures matched the latest report, and clear message, from the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) about the urgency of acting to limit the impacts of climate change. With this in mind, we have set ourselves the goal of surpassing carbon neutrality by Marwell’s 50th anniversary, in 2022. To help us achieve this goal, we have been installing social panels in our new buildings and will be generating power from Energy for Life: Tropical House in 2020. We’ll update you on that project when we can!