It’s International Happiness Day! 🌞

March 20, 2024

It’s International Day of Happiness and what better time to talk about the benefits of connecting with nature than a day dedicated to being happy.

Last year, Marwell Zoo opened the doors to our upcycled former tropical house, which we repurposed to create a Mediterranean climate for plants and animals to enjoy together.

More than that though, our newest exhibit called Thriving Through Nature is all about engaging the senses and truly connecting with the nature around us. This is important because we know from research that time spent immersed in the natural world helps boost mental wellbeing.

What’s even better is that it also makes us more aware of the world around us and helps the environment too.

We experience more happiness when we connect with nature, whether that’s through smelling a herb or scented flower, learning about how reptiles warm their blood or just slowing down and stopping to listen to the sounds around us.

Doing these things not only makes us happier, but it encourages pro-nature behaviours. By understanding the importance of nature and our place within it we make more planet friendly choices for the future.

Modern life is hectic and fast paced.  We often expect almost instant solutions to our problems when, as the old saying goes, “great things come to those that wait.”

Next time you’re out in a green space, take five minutes to stop and take in your surroundings. Maybe close your eyes and listen. Feel the grass under your hand, take a paddle and feel the sea tickling your toes but whatever you choose to focus on take your time, breathe deeply and take it all in.

Nature is wonderful and awe-inspiring and key to understanding our place in the world and the role we play. Inside Thriving Through Nature we’ve stripped back the signage and we’re actively encouraging guests to touch and smell the plants.

We want people of all ages to run their fingers through our waterfalls and enjoy watching our animal inhabitants living together. On warm days, the herbs in the building give off a wonderful aroma.  Close your eyes and you could almost be in the Mediterranean…! 😉