Vote to name our rhino!

September 15, 2018

The whopping 250 kilo rhino sculpture can be spotted at Island View Picnic Area and has travelled all the way from Cornwall, thanks to the talented artist and sculptor, Dave Danson Hill.

Your votes are in! 

Your top 15 names were given to our wonderful Hoofstock team, who have whittled the names down and chosen their favourite four! The names are…

  • Isla
  • Amari (meaning possesses great strength)
  • Zula
  • Adamantia (meaning invincible)

However some of the other superb (and creative) suggestions we had were Kiki, Doris and Biggerbottomus.

We now need you to cast the final vote! Make your way over to the Marwell Zoo Facebook page and vote for your winner. The winning name will have the highest votes at 9am on Monday 17 September when the winner of a cuddly rhino teddy will also be selected.