Celebrating recent updates at the zoo
May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
By James Cretney, Chief Executive at Marwell Wildlife
As previously reported, for the last 5 months we have had a ban on moving any animals in or out of the zoo due to Avian Flu. Well, the good news is that thanks to the great work of our Animal Care teams and DEFRA officials, that restriction has now been officially lifted. You can imagine the celebration that has taken place! At the same time however, a reminder that, under climate change, our world is changing and we will have to be continually vigilant against such outbreaks.
With the ban lifted, new arrivals including a female bokiboky which now joins our male, and is settling in well and a new species for us is the crested caracara (caracara plancus). A charismatic and striking bird with a very distinctive call, from South America – or in this case London Zoo – they are currently finishing their required isolation and then will soon be released into their new enclosure, ready for the end of May.
Spring always means babies and this year is no exception as recent births include a Przewalski’s horse foal, blue-faced honeyeater chicks and a sitatunga calf. Together with the saki monkey infant, bongo, banteng, addax and dik dik calves that were born earlier this year, it really feels like Spring has finally arrived. The weather is getting warmer and Marwell is starting to look at its best. I always think May is the prettiest month of the year and this year is no exception.
I hope you also enjoy reading some of the conservation stories that we are starting to share in greater depth in this newsletter. This month, Wildlife Conservation and Monitoring in Northern Kenya. It is a great example of some of partnerships we have in areas where we work and also how we use some of our students on our Master’s degree programme to further research areas of conservation interest.
Please remember that as a registered charity, your support and financial help, goes towards funding our work. Finally, our article on sustainability tips, provide a great reminder on some of the small but important ways we can start doing our bit for the planet.
Wishing you a very enjoyable bank holiday, but don’t forget we will be closed on Saturday for the Coronation!