Month: March 2022

BRICKOSAURS! Evolution, a world-first collection of toy brick dinosaurs arrives at the zoo

March 31, 2022

A world-first collection of 55 prehistoric creatures made using more than 2 million toy bricks have taken over the zoo for the launch of BRICKOSAURS! Evolution. Step back in time […]

Meet the dinosaurs arriving behind the scenes

March 10, 2022

With less than a month to go until the launch of the world-first event BRICKOSAURS! Evolution, 55 prehistoric creatures have started to arrive behind the scenes for the finishing touches. […]

Another conservation success!

March 3, 2022

This World Wildlife Day we’re celebrating the successes of local plant life seen across our Hampshire conservation sites. Eelmoor Marsh is owned by QinetiQ and managed by Marwell Wildlife. It […]